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To Purchase a Painting:

To order, purchase or discuss any of these paintings Please contact me at
Phone + 353 1 6671520 or + 353 1 6711599
Email BrianByrnes@bigfoot.com

On receipt of payment, your painting will be carefully wrapped and dispatched using a reputable courier service (DHL or TNT) to reach you with in 48 hours (Courier cost included in purchase price) (all prices in Sterling unless otherwise stated)



6 Metre

Ali baba II , Elizabeth, Dan, Maybe IV, Fiona, Scoundrel

Here you will find some of the most beautiful bespoke designed 6 metres in the world. The examples are shown in at least two modes to better illustrate their features. Represented are examples from the 1st , 2nd and 3rd International Rules.


Agnes II

Alibaba II

Elizebeth X






8 Metre

Sirius, If, Wanda , Aile VI, Sil'houette , France, Lafayette

Regarded by many as the most beautiful boats now racing. Add to this their interesting history and their use as perfect cruisers and you have the 8 metre boat.

"Vision & Cutty Tou"



Aile VI France








The great Norwegian yacht designs Johann Anker steeped in his knowledge of the lines of 6 metres and 8 metres produced the design of that most beautiful of one design classes- the International Dragon.


"Dragons Racing"

Cannes 2000

Chasing Dragons

Chasing Dragons 2



Dragons at Lough Ree 1999

Dragons Wild Water

East Coast Champs

French Champs 2000


Les Arcachonaises 2000

Lisney Cup Lough Ree


Classic Yachts


Asgard, Saoirse,

Well known names to those who have crossed oceans and raced around the British Isles.


"Flying Fox & Huff of Arklow "

"The Three Graces"

Saoirse off cape horn 1922

"The Return"

Racing Yachts

  Blackmagic , Desporado, Highland Fling , Stormbird


Brute Force, Cutting Edge Designs, High tech Sails are represented here.


Ford Cork Week


The Big Class

  Shamrock V, Endeavour II , Windward ...

Names that conjure up images of the elegant craft slicing to windward- wonderfully beautiful examples of the great racing yachts of The Thirties.

The America 1851

The Big Class 1930s

Navahoe racing Kingstown ireland 1896

The Regatta

The schooner Mariette

Shamrock IV

Westward and Candida Kingstown 1925




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This page was last updated on 09-Apr-2003.